Monday, January 14, 2013

3 Advanced Law of Attraction Exercises to Manifest Wealth

No matter how successful we are, we can always use advanced law of attraction exercises to manifest greater prosperity and wealth in our lives. As an attraction coach, I have both taught and used the following exercises with great success. Try them out for yourself, and let your results be your guide.

1. All Possibilities Exist Simultaneously (a Meditation)

This law of attraction exercise requires you to take some time to yourself in quiet meditation. Begin by focusing on the concept that all possibilities exist simultaneously. This means that every possibility for your life already exists; you simply choose which of these possibilities you will experience based on your thoughts and beliefs.

3 Advanced Law of Attraction Exercises to Manifest Wealth

For example, if the idea of being a millionaire is appealing to you, recognize that this reality ALREADY exists. This version of reality is present, just as all other versions of reality are present. If this sounds like an outrageous "new age" claim, you might be surprised to learn that it is actually a recognized and mathematically sound theory of physics, based on the work of quantum physics pioneer Nils Bohr back in the 1920s.

Dr Bohr upset the traditional scientific view of "reality" by expressing mathematically the probability that there are an infinite number of "potential universes," representing an infinite number of possibilities which are all valid and present at the same time. In physics circles, this is known as the Copenhagen School of Quantum Physics, and it is a well-established theory that has yet to be disapproved, despite nearly 100 years of challenges by some of the greatest minds in history--including Albert Einstein.

By meditating on the idea that all possibilities already exist, you can bring your mind into alignment with a particular version of reality that you would like to experience. As you daydream, and visualize yourself experiencing this reality, you come into greater and greater harmony with it. From there, it is simply a matter of using this law of attraction exercise consistently, with a calm and relaxed faith. The results can be quite powerful.

2. The Transmitter Exercise

This law of attraction exercise takes advantage of the human being's ability to control and change the "vibe" they are resonating out into the world. It is an established law of attraction precept that "that which is like unto itself is drawn." In other words, whatever you are "resonating" is what you are attracting.

By taking this concept seriously and literally, you can begin to play a little "mental game," wherein you purposefully attempt to resonate a certain vibe. For example, if you'd like to experience great wealth, you began making a point to transmit the vibration of wealth to the universe. You do this by getting a strong mental image of yourself ALREADY being a wealthy person, and then "see" yourself transmitting this energy or vibration out around you everywhere you go.

Practice transmitting your vibe stronger and further. If you are walking in a crowded shopping center, for example, "see" yourself transmitting your vibe to everyone and everything around you, and with great strength. This law of attraction exercise can be used for manifesting wealth and prosperity, but it is also effective in many other areas. The key is to "see" a visual representation of your waves of energy moving out into the world and affecting all of creation. Try it for yourself and see why the transmitter exercise is so popular.

3. The Gatekeeper Exercise

This is one of my favorite advanced Law of attraction exercises. In a way, is the complete opposite of the transmitter exercise, because it is not concerned with the vibration you are sending out, but instead, focuses entirely on the vibrations you are letting in. Here's how it works.

The idea of the gatekeeper exercise is to take a period of time (an afternoon for example), and become very aware of anything and everything that is "on your radar." As you become aware of things in your environment that are vying for your attention, you will play the part of a gatekeeper (or maybe a "bouncer" at a nightclub) by allowing in ONLY the things that increase your feelings of well-being -- the good vibes.

The gatekeeper exercise is actually about exclusion, which is one of the most important aspects of practicing the law of attraction. By being an effective "bouncer" of your own inner sanctuary, you will learn to remove your focus from things that do not give you positive energy, and ONLY allow things in if they contribute to your positive state of mind.

This is one of the most powerful advanced law of attraction exercises a person can use. It teaches us the value of focusing our attention with laser-like precision on what we want, while allowing what we don't want to fall away. In my experience, there is no better way to begin to attract wealth than by using this exercise.

Try all three of these advanced Law of attraction exercises to manifest wealth (and anything else you desire) -- you are sure to see a big difference in what shows up in your life in no time at all.

3 Advanced Law of Attraction Exercises to Manifest Wealth
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