Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Law of Attraction Affirmations

The Law of Attraction responds to our dominant thoughts and beliefs which is why we can end up experiencing situations we really don't want. Our thoughts and emotions create an energy that attracts people, situations and things with a similar vibrational frequency. In other words, if you are miserable and depressed you will attract people and situations that will keep you in that state.

To change your life, you have to change your thoughts, emotions and beliefs. An effective way to reprogram your mind so that your thinking matches your desired reality is to use Law of Attraction Affirmations. Affirmations are simply statements of truth that reflect what you want to do, be or have. By repeating them regularly, you can reprogram your mind and maintain a positive mindset that helps you to attract your desires. This is great cosmic news!

The keys to using Affirmations successfully are:

Law of Attraction Affirmations

1. Use the first person. Your Affirmations should generally begin with 'I' and be in the present tense.

2. Your Affirmations should be reasonable and believable. If you affirm statements you really don't believe, you can cause a subconscious (or even a conscious) reaction of doubt and disbelief which can undo the benefit of the affirmation.

3. If you want to change your thinking but can't avoid doubt, you can affirm "I am willing to believe that such and such is possible." If you need help being positive on a day to day basis you can opt for: "Today I choose to believe that..." or "Today I choose to be..."

4. Affirmations work best if you add emotion to them. Feel the feeling you will experience once you actually receive your desire. The bible expresses this idea as believing you have already received something before you actually do and tells us that if we can do this, will receive the things we are asking for.

5. Visualization adds another dimension to Affirmations to assist manifestation. The subconscious mind cannot tell the difference between the real and the imagined. The Law of Attraction works to align our external reality with our internal reality. This is why our internal reality is so important to the manifestation of our desires.

Here are some Affirmations recommended by Florence Schovel Shinn, author of The Game of Life that you might find helpful:

- I have a wonderful work, in a wonderful way. I give wonderful service for wonderful pay.

- I banish the past and NOW live in the wonderful NOW, where happy surprises come to me each day.

- I am now on the royal road of Success, Happiness and Abundance, all the traffic goes my way.

- My seeming impossible good now comes to pass, the unexpected now happens.

- My supply is endless, inexhaustible and immediate and comes to me under grace in perfect ways.

- All things I seek are now seeking me.

- My good now flows to me in a steady, unbroken, ever-increasing stream of success, happiness and abundance.

- My good now overtakes me in a surprising way.

Here are some more Affirmations from Catherine Ponder, author of the Dynamic Laws of Prosperity:

- I now surrounded by divine substance and this divine substance now manifests for me in rich appropriate form.

- Everything and everybody prospers me now and I prosper everything and everybody now.

- I now bless everyone, everything, and every situation in my life now, as good, good, and very good.

- I love the highest and best in all people and I now draw the highest, best, and most prosperous minded people to me.

- I rejoice that I am successful in all ways."

- I give thanks that I am now rich, well and happy.

And here are examples of the sorts of simple Affirmations you can create for yourself:

- I love and accept myself.

- I am worthy of love.

- I am always increasing my income.

Whether you start with an affirmation suggested by an expert such as Catherine Ponder or Florence Schovel Shinn or design your own, you will need to repeat your Law of Attraction Affirmations at least fifteen minutes a day to get good results. However, if you learn to use Affirmations effectively you can learn to use the Law of Attraction to manifest the life you want. It is surprisingly easy.

Law of Attraction Affirmations
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