Friday, November 30, 2012

Text Messaging Tips For Men - How to Build Intense Attraction by Text Messaging a Woman

Text messaging is so popular right now. Everyone is using it. Its a fast, effective way to communicate while we live our busy lives. It is also a great way to communicate and flirt with the opposite sex. Many a date is now being made through text messaging. It is rapidly replacing the phone call because it is so easy. The great thing about texting is that you have time to think about what you are going to say before you say it. You have the opportunity to plan your text messages as well as your replies.

Tip 1. You met a great lady, woman, girl, whatever and you want her to be into you. You do not want her to be just your friend. This being established, you have to refrain from texting boring, small talk. Don't ask her how is her day, or any non interesting questions like that. You want to make her smile. You want to create attraction and some suspense. Don't have any serious conversations or ask personal questions like "What do you want in a relationship?" The rare and exceptionally confident woman will take this as neediness and will not give you the time of day. Remember, you are not trying to build a friendship here, you are trying to draw her to you, not make her run for the hills. When you text message a woman, make it count.

Tip 2. Be fun and light. Appeal to her emotions, women are the emotional ones of the 2 species. Take her on to an emotional ride. Example: Lets say you want to ask her what she is doing. Instead of saying "What are you doing?' Try something like "Hey Scarlett, What r u up to?". Scarlett I am sure you all know is a very saucy vixen from the famous movie Gone With The Wind. Use some other character that appeals to her if you choose. When she does reply, don't' text back right away, keep her waiting for about 10 minutes. This builds the suspense and then when she does get your reply, she feels relief and happy. She will naturally associate this feeling with you. Text messaging your woman can be rewarding.

Text Messaging Tips For Men - How to Build Intense Attraction by Text Messaging a Woman

When text messaging a woman, you can build her level of interest through the dance of words by flirting. You have to remember to keep it fun and upbeat. Nothing serious. Whatever you do, refrain from coming across as needy or possessive. Don't be to eager and before you hit the send button ask yourself this question. Is this going to make her smile? If you can answer that with a yes, press the send button and enjoy the fun. You very well could have just made her day.

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Are you finding that women usually just want to be friends? Maybe there is a great lady and you want her attention but are not sure exactly how to go about it. How long are you going to wait? There is some other guy out there that already knows these surefire ways to ignite a spark in a woman. Don't let him get to her first. A helpful site to learn more about how to become the king of flirting through text messaging with women.

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Monday, November 26, 2012

Attract Your Ex Back With the Law of Attraction - A Violation of Free Will?

Why Many Say Its Impossible:

Is it possible to use the law of attraction to attract your ex back without unknowingly misapplying it to work against you? How does one use the law of attraction to attract their ex back without violating the notion of free will? Many state it's not possible to do so without turning the law of attraction against you to bring about more "don't-wants". After all, the law of attraction tells us it's the thoughts we focus upon with emotion that we create our lives with. This notion of free will is an essential implication of the law of attraction since we are able to freely choose the thoughts we hold to attract that which best coincides with it.

In the heat of emotion, with the drama and turmoil in your relationship, it's hard to see beyond the problem to an effective solution to attracting your ex back. Where does one begin? It's easy to become frustrated as impatience builds. You can't help but ask yourself: "Why isn't the law of attraction working in my life as I've envisioned it? Why haven't I attracted my ex back yet? What am I not getting?"

Attract Your Ex Back With the Law of Attraction - A Violation of Free Will?

Before you read further, let me reassure you - contrary to the many naysayers out there - it is possible to attract your ex back with the law of attraction. The key is knowing how to properly apply it...

Attract Your Ex Back with the Law of Attraction - A Fatal Misunderstanding:

Among those who are trying to attract their ex back, I see many common misunderstandings of the law of attraction as they pertain to relationships. Since your ex's departure I'm sure it's hard to see beyond the pain of their absence. This is the overwhelming issue at hand right now. The immediate remedy you seek is to figure out what can be done to attract your ex back. Before we go further, allow me to inform you it's these emotions that are blinding you from understanding the true problem to begin realizing an effective solution.

So having said this, what is standing in the way of your attempts to attract your ex back with the law of attraction? It's your misunderstanding of the problems and an inability to see the solution.

Attract Ex Back with the Law of Attraction - Respect Your Partners Right To Free Will and Discover The Answers Which Lie Within:

As you well know, the law of attraction states it's the thought vibrations you send out into the world that are responsible for what you have in your life. To effectively attract your ex back with the law of attraction, you must begin changing your thought vibrations. Failing to accept yourself as the ultimate causal explanation for what you've attracted into your relationship completely flies in the face of the law of attraction.

You see, ultimately the only real problem isn't what is going on in your relationship, but your perceptions and feelings about them. After all, this is what you've utilized to attract your ex's departure right? The solution then, to begin attracting your ex back, is to changing those perceptions.

Just what sort of perceptions might you need to change? Well, for example, this might mean asking yourself if you've been using your relationship as a source of happiness and love since love and happiness flow from within not from without right? As the law of attraction reminds us: affect is within and cause is without. Are you going to continue burdening your partner with the job of making you feel happy and loved and hold them out of your life? Or, are you willing to discover yourself as complete and whole by yourself and attract them back to you? Is your partner's departure the problem or is it your unrealistic evaluation of them as a source of love and happiness?

Attract Ex Back with the Law of Attraction - You Are Your Life's Creator!

Effectively using the law of attraction to attract your ex back means focusing on yourself not them. This means letting go of your desire to avoid responsibility and seek to discover yourself as the ultimate causal explanation for your life. With an acceptance of responsibility, your role in the relationship is clear. The solutions you seek to utilize to attract your ex back are then not far behind. Let me reassure you, the work is worth it. Just beyond the emotions overwhelming you and the limiting beliefs standing in your way are the solutions you seek. They are available for those who are willing to grow tall enough to claim them. Therefore, your choices are this: Continue doing what isn't working, accept what is, or make a commitment to change things.

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Kathleen Johnson invites you to visit and discover a wealth of resources to help you utilize the law of attraction to repair your relationship. From these resources you'll discover the insight you need to begin properly applying the law of attraction to attract your ex back. While you're there don't forget to sign up for our Law of Attraction Relationship Free Rescue E-Course based on the New Thought Classics as well as top LOA resources available today! Just go to to learn more. Remember it's free! Empower yourself and discover the answers that lie within!

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Thursday, November 22, 2012

Get Back Together With Your Ex - 3 Steps to Rebuilding the Attraction

Losing someone you're in love with is a very painful experience. You feel like you've just lost something you'll never get back. Maybe your ex has told you there's no chance of a relationship with them again? Unless you've done something unforgivable, this is never the case.

If they were attracted to you before, they can be attracted to you again.

Following these 3 steps is a good start if you want to get back together with your ex.

Get Back Together With Your Ex - 3 Steps to Rebuilding the Attraction

1. Leave Them Alone - How can you win back your ex without even speaking to them, you ask? Be patient. Don't rush things right after the break up. Your emotions mixed with their emotions at this point will likely cause a very messy explosion.

Right now, they'll still think their reason for breaking up with you is valid. If you keep pestering them, begging them to change their mind, and telling them how you "can't live without them", you're just going to make things worse.

You need to show them that you're strong. Crying about it is okay, but they don't need to know. They won't take you back out of sympathy. If they know they can get you back at any time, what's the rush? They can date other people and know you're there for a back up.

Later on, you can contact them again; we'll cover that soon. But for now, no e-mails, no writing, no phone calls, no checking their MySpace profile. Every time you give in to one of these temptations, you're going to reduce your chances, rip open your wounds again and find yourself back at square one.

You need to prove to yourself, and them, that you're a strong character. Give them time to miss you and wonder what you're up to. This leads us to...

2. Enrich Your Life - While you wait, fill up your free time with anything and everything. Join a club. Start a new hobby that you've always wanted to do. Learn a musical instrument. By doing this you're going to meet new people and better yourself.

Wipe the word "no" out of your vocabulary for a while. Friends ask you to a party? Say yes. Attractive member of the opposite sex asks you on a date? Say yes. Remember, you're not betraying or cheating on your ex by doing this. They wanted the break-up, right? If they're not happy with you meeting new mates, then they'll have to win you back.

If they know you might not be staying around to wait for them, they may suddenly realize they don't want to lose you. You're not being manipulative unless you have no interest whatsoever in these dates. This is win/win for you. Not only could you potentially meet a new lover (who could turn out to be the man/woman of your dreams) but you'll also make your ex reconsider losing you.

3. Get Back In Contact - Give it at least a week or two after the break-up before any contact. Decide how long you're going to give it, and don't change it.

If your ex tries to get in contact with you before that time is up, use your judgement to decide whether or not you should answer. Don't break plans or go out of your way to see them, but don't make a big deal out of it either. Just say "I'm busy that night, but how about (new day later in the week)?"

If they don't get in contact, write them an e-mail, or a text message, something casual asking them how they're doing. Don't bring up the break-up, dates, etc. Talk to them like they're friends. If everything goes well after a few exchanges, ask them if they'd like to hang out.

If they say yes, don't instantly fold when you see them. Still treat them like friends. Focus on having fun. Make them laugh and smile. Show them something you've learned since breaking up. (If you started taking guitar lessons in step 2 for example, show them your really awesome cover of "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star")

The most important thing is to show them how much fun they can have with you. Nothing will kill the attraction more than diving into the deep stuff. If you can get them laughing, half the battle is already won.

If you treat them like it's a first date, they will feel like they did on your first date. Remember why they became attracted to you in the first place, and show them that hasn't changed about you. Show them that whatever it was that caused the break-up has changed, and you'll do well.

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Monday, November 19, 2012

My Wife Is Not Attracted to Me - Why Your Wife Is Losing Attraction for You and How to Get It Back!

Are you worried about your marriage, saying to yourself my wife is not attracted to me, what do I do?

If so then it's important that you don't make the mistake that most men make in this situation.

This article will tell you the number one reason your wife is not attracted to you, and at the same time exactly what you need to do to recreate that attraction at warp speed.

My Wife Is Not Attracted to Me - Why Your Wife Is Losing Attraction for You and How to Get It Back!

Why You're Saying My Wife is Not Attracted to Me...

First off I want you to know that I know exactly what you're feeling. It wasn't long ago at all that I was having the same exact thought. My wife WAS losing attraction for me, and very quickly.

Why? Well I'm pretty sure it's for the exact same reason that you're saying my wife is not attracted to me. It almost always comes down to this whether it's at a time when you're out on the scene picking up women, or when you've got a girlfriend, or are engaged, or married. Attraction is attraction, and it actually works the same way throughout, with minor changes.

The One Way to Make Your Wife Attracted to You Again

You need to realize something right now.

You are doing things that are making your wife lose attraction for you. In fact you've probably been doing them since you got married, maybe even before.

In fact your wife actually doesn't even realize why she is no longer attracted to you, and worse thinks and will tell you, and her friends that the reason the wrong thing things that she actually wants you to do and be.

It's tough to be a man!

Now I want you to really think about that last sentence...especially the last word in the sentence. MAN!! If you're saying my wife is not attracted to me, then it's likely because she doesn't see you as the MAN that she once saw you as. In order to have been attracted to you in the first place, then she had to have noticed some Alpha male qualities in you!

By primitive instinct she saw you as the man that would be the king of the cave, and that would lead the family and protect them. This is all hardwired into her genetics...into her biology. You can't change it. The only thing that you CAN do is to play into it.

The only way to make your wife attracted to you again is to be an alpha male. But you have to do this correctly. Don't misconstrue this as you have to be a controlling jerk. You have to play to her cavewoman instincts, but that doesn't mean that you have to drag her around by her hair and beat her with a club.

It means that you have to have the alpha qualities that subconsciously creates attraction. There are ways to do this when you're out in the field dating, and then there are ways to do it when you're in a relationship.

But usually it requires to undoing the damage that's been done to your perceived alpha state. That damage is basically called betacization. Your wife, unwittingly has done this to you, and has broken you down to try to make you what she "thought" that she wanted in her conscious mind. This however simply turned you into exactly what she doesn't want.

It's like mind working against natural instinct, and it's as real as gravity. It's the reason that you're saying "my wife is not attracted to me".

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You need to learn how to undo what you've been doing wrong before you ever have a chance to stop saying and thinking my wife is not attracted to me.

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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Law of Attraction Affirmations

The Law of Attraction responds to our dominant thoughts and beliefs which is why we can end up experiencing situations we really don't want. Our thoughts and emotions create an energy that attracts people, situations and things with a similar vibrational frequency. In other words, if you are miserable and depressed you will attract people and situations that will keep you in that state.

To change your life, you have to change your thoughts, emotions and beliefs. An effective way to reprogram your mind so that your thinking matches your desired reality is to use Law of Attraction Affirmations. Affirmations are simply statements of truth that reflect what you want to do, be or have. By repeating them regularly, you can reprogram your mind and maintain a positive mindset that helps you to attract your desires. This is great cosmic news!

The keys to using Affirmations successfully are:

Law of Attraction Affirmations

1. Use the first person. Your Affirmations should generally begin with 'I' and be in the present tense.

2. Your Affirmations should be reasonable and believable. If you affirm statements you really don't believe, you can cause a subconscious (or even a conscious) reaction of doubt and disbelief which can undo the benefit of the affirmation.

3. If you want to change your thinking but can't avoid doubt, you can affirm "I am willing to believe that such and such is possible." If you need help being positive on a day to day basis you can opt for: "Today I choose to believe that..." or "Today I choose to be..."

4. Affirmations work best if you add emotion to them. Feel the feeling you will experience once you actually receive your desire. The bible expresses this idea as believing you have already received something before you actually do and tells us that if we can do this, will receive the things we are asking for.

5. Visualization adds another dimension to Affirmations to assist manifestation. The subconscious mind cannot tell the difference between the real and the imagined. The Law of Attraction works to align our external reality with our internal reality. This is why our internal reality is so important to the manifestation of our desires.

Here are some Affirmations recommended by Florence Schovel Shinn, author of The Game of Life that you might find helpful:

- I have a wonderful work, in a wonderful way. I give wonderful service for wonderful pay.

- I banish the past and NOW live in the wonderful NOW, where happy surprises come to me each day.

- I am now on the royal road of Success, Happiness and Abundance, all the traffic goes my way.

- My seeming impossible good now comes to pass, the unexpected now happens.

- My supply is endless, inexhaustible and immediate and comes to me under grace in perfect ways.

- All things I seek are now seeking me.

- My good now flows to me in a steady, unbroken, ever-increasing stream of success, happiness and abundance.

- My good now overtakes me in a surprising way.

Here are some more Affirmations from Catherine Ponder, author of the Dynamic Laws of Prosperity:

- I now surrounded by divine substance and this divine substance now manifests for me in rich appropriate form.

- Everything and everybody prospers me now and I prosper everything and everybody now.

- I now bless everyone, everything, and every situation in my life now, as good, good, and very good.

- I love the highest and best in all people and I now draw the highest, best, and most prosperous minded people to me.

- I rejoice that I am successful in all ways."

- I give thanks that I am now rich, well and happy.

And here are examples of the sorts of simple Affirmations you can create for yourself:

- I love and accept myself.

- I am worthy of love.

- I am always increasing my income.

Whether you start with an affirmation suggested by an expert such as Catherine Ponder or Florence Schovel Shinn or design your own, you will need to repeat your Law of Attraction Affirmations at least fifteen minutes a day to get good results. However, if you learn to use Affirmations effectively you can learn to use the Law of Attraction to manifest the life you want. It is surprisingly easy.

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Sunday, November 11, 2012

The Law of Attraction and Quantum Physics

"If thoughts can do that to water, imagine what our thoughts can do to us." - from the movie, What the Bleep Do We Know!?

The Law of Attraction teaches that we attract into our lives whatever we focus on. Quantum Physics teaches that nothing is fixed, that there are no limitations, that everything is vibrating Energy. By understanding that everything is Energy in a state of potential and by applying the Law of Attraction to bring into our lives what we focus on, it is never necessary to feel stuck with an undesirable life.

We are Creators of the Universe. The classical physics of Newton takes a material perspective in which the Universe is composed of discrete building blocks, solid and unchangeable. Quantum physics takes a spiritual perspective in which there are no separate parts, in which everything is fluid and always changing.

The Law of Attraction and Quantum Physics

The physical world is a sea of Energy constantly flashing into and out of existence. It is through our thoughts that we transform this ever-changing Energy into observable reality. Therefore, we can create our reality with our thoughts. With quantum physics, science is leaving behind the notion that human beings are powerless victims and moving toward an understanding that we are fully empowered creators of our lives and of our world.

With Newton, we were insignificant cogs in the Universal Machinery. With quantum physics, we are Creators of the Universe.

Everything is Energy. Einstein's 1905 formula E = mc2 explains the relationship between Energy and matter, i.e., that Energy and matter are interchangeable - that, in reality, everything is Energy - dancing, fluid, ever-changing Energy.

This Energy is influenced by our thoughts. It is shapeable, formable, and moldable. As Creators, we shape, form and mold the Energy of the Universe through our thoughts. We transform the Energy of our thoughts into the Energy of our reality.

The Physics of Possibility. The popular movie, What the Bleep Do We Know!?, clarifies that quantum physics is the physics of possibility. We have been conditioned to believe that the external world is more real than the internal world. Quantum physics says just the opposite. It says that what's happening on the inside determines what's happening on the outside. It says that our world is shaped by our thoughts.

Since nothing is fixed and everything is in a state of potential, everything is possible. As we understand that everything is possible, and as we focus our thoughts on what we want to attract, we can literally call into existence whatever we desire.

My ten-year old neighbor loves the expression - "It could happen!" He probably doesn't know much about the physics of possibility, but he practices it with his great attitude. He reminds me to entertain possibility. He reminds me that nothing is impossible.

Dreams into Reality. The Universe exists as infinite potential in infinite abundance. As we focus our thoughts, we have the power to bring our desires into existence, our dreams into reality. As we focus our thoughts, we have the power to be and do and have whatever we desire.

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Kate Corbin is a Law of Attraction Life Coach and the creator of Gold Star Coaching. Both her coaching practice and her two ebooks - Dining at the Cosmic Cafe: How to Be and Do and Have Whatever You Desire as well as Think and Grow Thin with the Law of Attraction - are designed to empower you to truly live the life of your dreams. To contact Coach Kate, check out her books, and subscribe to her free ezine, Magical Musings, visit

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Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Thoughts + Emotion = Attraction

The law of attraction works every hour, every second for you. But mostly it looks like the law of attraction works against you.

You become what you think about most of the time. That's the reason why you should worry less and focus on the happy things of life more often. You cannot not think on something. Try it out. Please don't think on a pink elephant with green dots on his side, a purple trunk and an ape on his back who is wearing a black silk hat.

Could you do it? Could you not think on this picture? Probably not. It's just not possible to not think on a certain thing. When you want to avoid thoughts of a certain situation or a certain thing, the first thing you have to do is to create the image in your mind to tell you not to think on it.

Thoughts + Emotion = Attraction

The same thing happens, when you focus on things you don't want to happen. Let's say you are scared of making mistakes - by focusing on the intention to avoid mistakes you probably make more of them than ever before. You concentrate on the thing you want to avoid and your subconscious mind can only think in images. So what do you have to create when you focus on things you want to avoid? Correct - an image of it. An Image of the thing you want to avoid, of the scenario you will experience - for example you can see, hear and feel the situation when your boss is shouting at you once you made this mistakes - and guess what will happen?

But the other way around - your positive thoughts will create positive situations as well. Again, the law of attraction works in every second for you or against you. It´s your choice. But your positive thoughts will not create positive situations automatically. Thoughts alone mostly cause nothing at all. What gives them power are the feelings you have by thinking them. Thoughts without emotion have no power.

What happens when you think on the scenario where you make mistakes and make your boss angry - what happens with you? You are probably scared, you're sweating, you feel bad and you have stomach ache... And your negative thoughts mixed with this negative emotions create the negative situation, because your subconscious mind start to makes you act according to your creation.

Same thing happens with positive thoughts who create positive emotions. So if you think about your dreams, do it with all your senses. If you want to have more time for yourself and your family - think about the situation you want to create. See yourself walking in a park with your family - see yourself laughing, feel the wind, smell the grass, fell the kiss of your partner, the love of your children, feel all the emotions you link with this moment. think in this instance and the law of attraction work for you.

This is essential for the positive influence - the law of attraction means - you attract what you think about most of the time AND what arouse strong emotions within yourself. So first of all - be aware of what you think and once you got it, mix the thoughts you really want to think with strong emotions and chances are very good that your dreams come true. Good luck for it.

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