Sunday, June 3, 2012

Body Language Attraction - His Eyes Will Tell You If He's Attracted to You

If you know how to interpret them, men's body language will tell you far more than any spoken words about how attracted they are to you, and the eyes are one of your best sources of information.

I'm sure you've heard it said before that the eyes are the windows to the soul. Eyes say so much about a man, they can show feelings, and speak a thousand words without him saying a word.


Pay close attention to his eyes to gauge the level of attraction he feels for you.

Body Language Attraction - His Eyes Will Tell You If He's Attracted to You

Here are some surefire signs of attraction to watch his eyes for.

Look into his eyes and take note of the size of his pupils. Men's pupils will dilate when they are attracted to someone, sometimes becoming as much as four times as large.

A word of warning before you take this to mean he's feeling attraction for you - our eyes will enlarge in a darker room so watch for how dilated they are while keeping into account the amount of light there is.

Is he focused on you or is he constantly looking else where, during conversation?

He will be focused on you if he's interested, however if he's shy you may notice him looking down or to the side frequently. So  if he doesn't seem to be looking at you as often as you think he should then check his pupils again, not only to see if they are dilated, but try to tell if they are focused. A glazed over look means his mind is on something else beside you.

One final note on the eyes. If  you are the type of woman that he's attracted to, he will quickly scan from you from top to bottom and back up again when he first sees you. This only takes a moment and you will need to be quick to notice it, but it's a natural reflex all men have.

Once you get good at interpreting what his eyes are telling you it will become easy for you to judge what his true feeling for you are. Like they say - The eyes don't lie.

Body Language Attraction - His Eyes Will Tell You If He's Attracted to You

Find out more about Interpreting Body Language In Men For Signs Of Attraction

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