Saturday, June 30, 2012

How to Tell if a Girl Likes You - In 3 Amazing Ways

There are hundreds of signs which girls use if they like you but one word has many meanings at the same time one sign might have many meanings. Therefore it is very important to make sure that the girl you are thinking about does like you for sure before you act or make a move. Read on to find out some of the best and proven ways to tell if a girl likes you or not.

Focuses on you all the time- Have you ever witnessed her talking to her friends but focusing on you? When a girl normally tends to like someone she would talk to others but still would focus on you with constant stares. If the girl you are confused about is doing this than she does like you.


She's always available for you- When a girl tends to like you she would make it a point that she is always available for you all the time and you would be on her priority list at all times. She would make it a point to notice what you like, what you do, what you are all about and would have millions of questions about you. She would always show up around you without any reason at unexpected situations.

How to Tell if a Girl Likes You - In 3 Amazing Ways

She gets jealous- Have you ever witnessed her getting red in the face when you are around or talking to other females? If this has happened to you than she does like you a lot. Girls normally tend to get jealous when the guy she likes or has a crush on is around other females and is giving attention to other girls. Girls tend to develop a possessive kind of an attitude towards the guy they like and would do the same towards you. She would act all happy as long as you are staring at her but would immediately get into the jealous mode the moment you concentrate on other girls. This is the one of the strongest determinant on how to tell is a girl likes you or not.

How to Tell if a Girl Likes You - In 3 Amazing Ways

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Thursday, June 28, 2012

How to Read Male Body Language and Signs of Attraction - The Basics of Attraction

How to read male body language and signs of attraction can be pretty easy. It is because body language is designed to be read and it is followed by his sense of attraction. Body language will reveal probably more information than speaking the words. You don't need to be a mind reader to be able to read him. All you have to do is pay attention to what he does.

Basic #1 - Eye contact


If there are no rules in any relationship, there is however a rule in body language. To measure his interest simply count how many times you caught him staring and for how long he holds your gaze. Obviously when a guy is interested, he would want to get your attention through visual interaction.

How to Read Male Body Language and Signs of Attraction - The Basics of Attraction

Basic #2 - Body position

His body position can be interpreted in many ways. Usually when a man is interested, he will lean towards you when you are together. He also stands right next to you. If he does it this way, he wants you to be more than his friend.

Basic #3 - Preening

How to read male body language and sign of attraction are basically based on how he grooms himself on the spot. Usually he straightens his shirt and his tie. He would run his fingers on his hair and brush the "dusts" on his shirt that don't exist. As he does this, notice how he smiles. He might not be aware of it but you do.

Basic #4 - First impression

Since men know that women usually look into attitude more than the physical, they usually have the need to be polite all the time. He will always find his manners and become the gentleman that women crave.

There is really no need to be concerned about how to read male body language and sign of attraction. Men can be easy to read if you just pay attention to him.

How to Read Male Body Language and Signs of Attraction - The Basics of Attraction

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Monday, June 25, 2012

The Secret Vision Board

Do you want to have a big house, big car, a lifestyle that you dream about?

Regardless of your current circumstances, all your dream can become real. What you need is to think and feel positively towards your dream.


Although this may sound easy, many people find it hard to visualize their dreams with vivid feelings.

The Secret Vision Board

To have positive energy vibration, you need to start by generating the feeling to make you feel as though you have already achieved your dreams. How can you go about generating such energy vibration?

This article aims to show you how you can generate and sustain positive energy by creating a vision board. Creating your vision board allows you to paint your dreams in advance.

Here are some key points you should use to create a effective vision board.

(1) Connect Your Feelings with The Pictures

Lets start off by getting a large sheet of white paper (6 feet by 6 feet. In Singapore, we call this
mahjong paper).

Next, you need some unwanted magazines. You are going to flip through these magazines and cut out the pictures which catch your attention. If you can't find the appropriate pictures, go to the internet to search for them and print them out with a color printer.

Next, go through these pictures which you have cut.

Ask yourself why do you choose them? How will you feel if you already have all these things in reality? Remember the positive feelings which you have.

(2) Keep Those Pictures Which Give You Positive Feelings

After Step 1, you may realize that you do not want some of the pictures you initially thought you want.
It is absolutely alright to feel in this way. You have just heightened your awareness level to what exactly will make you feel happy.

The key is you should only have the things you want on your vision board. There is no compromise on this. Even if you only end up having one picture, so be it.

A vision board, like your life is a self-discovering journey. Along the way, you may discover other
things you appreciate in your life. You can still cut out those pictures and stick them on your vision

(3) Use Big Pictures

Use big pictures and big words to represent your dreams. You want to be able to see your vision easily.

(4) Do not Limit Your Imagination

In one of the interview report, Bob Proctor said that one common mistake people made was they often go after what they think they can achieve rather than what they really want.

Your task is to declare your true intention to the universe. Do not limit your imagination to what you
can ask for based on your perceived value of what you can achieve currently.

You do not need to know how to achieve your dreams. This is Universe's domain knowledge.
When your energy level and thoughts are in alignment, the universe will show you the way.

(5) Pin Your Vision Board At a Convenient Place

Once your vision board is ready, pin it up at a place where you can see it everyday.

Ideally, this place should be somewhere you will see first thing in the morning and last thing before you sleep.

See your vision board twice a day. Remind yourself of the feelings attached to the pictures you have cut out. Carry this feeling with you throughout the day and release it to the universe through your actions.

Now some of you may still doubt if this works. It absolutely does! How do i know? I did the same thing
and in just three weeks, I started to see my vision manifesting into reality.

So don't doubt the power of the secret vision board!

The Secret Vision Board

Karen Lim is a Personal Development Expert in Law of Attraction. She shows people around the world HOW to apply Law of Attraction in their life to attract more money, better health & better relationships. Visit her website today to learn the Success Formula and grab your FREE Law of Attraction Reports to turbo-charge your life! [].

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Sunday, June 24, 2012

Signs of Male Attraction - 5 Signs He's Interested in You

You think a guy is attracted to you, but you aren't sure. He might be sending you mix signals. You probably don't want to embarrass or humiliate yourself by asking him. So, what I'm going to do is share with you some signs of male attraction.

That way, you will know if a guy is really interested in you and what you can do to make him yours.


The 5 signs of male attraction are:

Signs of Male Attraction - 5 Signs He's Interested in You

1. If a guy always wants to spend time with you, he's attracted to you. He enjoy being around you. And he thinks you're a cool person to hangout with. He probably wants a serious relationship with you. He probably won't make a move because he doesn't want to make things awkward between you and him.

2. Another sign of male attraction is if a guy wants you to meet his family and friends. What he's doing is getting the approval from the people that matter most to him. This is good for you. Most likely, you will pass this test.

3. If you notice that he seem to always call you or send you text messages all the time, he's attracted to you. He wants to see how you are doing and probably want to know if you want to hangout with him later that day. Also, if he calls you to make sure you are ok when you go out with your friends, he cares a lot about you.

These are some signs of male attraction. If you notice that a guy is doing any of these signs, he's probably attracted to you. You should do something about it. If you don't, another woman will make a move. And you will never know how your future would have turned out with him.

Signs of Male Attraction - 5 Signs He's Interested in You

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Friday, June 22, 2012

The Seduction of a Married Man

What is it about a married man that is so irresistible?

It must be something because so many women fall for it. Just this week I encountered two women who have slipped into the trap of fatal attraction for a married man. It is dangerous territory and I do not recommend that anyone go there. I speak from experience having invested part of my life in a relationship with a married man. Iam not writing about this subject to lecture or be judgmental or even to speak from my soapbox about what I know that you don't. My intention is to expose the underhanded tactics, even if unintentional, of men and the naiveté of women that permits these relationships to flower.


What is it about women that make them susceptible to the charm and attraction of an unavailable man?

The Seduction of a Married Man

The unavailable man is very attractive to women who do not want to be controlled by a man. He can provide sporadic attention, sex, usually at regular intervals, definitely advice even when you don't ask for it and gifts. You don't have to live with him,which means no snoring, picking up after him, and usually freedom to comeand go as you please. The disadvantages include limited spontaneity,lack of availability on weekends and holidays and never being his number one priority.

This is not to say that men do not fall for married women. I am
certain that the statistics will support that almost as many single men fall for married women but the dynamic between themis much different than that of the single woman and the married man. Obviously, I have more experience with the married man syndrome.

Women in general are used to getting seconds.

What I mean by that is that women choose to settle for less than
what they want. Okay, I expect outrage from most of you who are
reading this but hear me out, please. In this country, men have the power. Look around you, how many women president's do we have? How many in the Senate, Congress, CEO's of Fortune 500 companies? How many women make as much money as men do? Consider teaching and nursing, two professions primarily occupied by women, what percentage of men are in the profession and what percentage ofthose are in charge? How many men choose to stay home with thchildren while their wives work and support the family? You get the idea. Granted there are many more women in positions of authority, in medicine, the law, entrepreneurs,real estate, finance, business than ever before, but if you are going to be honest with yourself, it's still a man's world. This is okay.

We can live with the fact that men run the world, because women run relationships.

Women, you really are in charge of relationship even if you don't know it. You just need to raise the bar a little on what youexpect from your relationship. What I mean by women being used to settling is they don't ask. Let me give you an example. A woman friend of mine works for a big company; she uses her own computer and pays for her own Internet access even though the majority of her computer usage is for her work activities. She has asked the men who run the company to be reimbursed for the cost of her computer andInternet access and has been denied. Her first inclination was to accept this, until she realized: How many men who use a computer in their job, use their own computer let alone pay for their Internet access? Men expect to be provided with the tools that they need to do their job, women provide their own tools and accept it when they are denied reimbursement. Where does this willingness to be used originate? I think that it originated when women first began to invade the workplace. Women weren't greeted with open arms when they first arrived in the workplace. In order to be accepted, they worked twice as hard, longer hours, tolerated abuse in many ways that a man never would and were eager to please, seeking approval and acceptance by over responding. (Actually, women were welcomed in the workplace during World War II but only because men weren't available. When the men returned, the women were expected to go back home where they belonged.)

Much of women's acceptance of second-class treatment is their own fault, because they don't even ask for it to be different.

Okay, I am a little off the subject of married men, but let me
follow this through to the connection. Let's look at a wife. The
majority of wives work these days, they also are the primary
childcare provider, and most of them do most of the housework and laundry and cooking and shopping as well. They are also expected by their husbands to be sexy and ready for a quickie at the drop of his pants. Women do all this because they put these standards on themselves. They still expect that they have to do more and do it better because they are women. So where does a woman cut back? Usually it is in paying attention to her husband's primary needs. A man needs sex and most married men will tell you that the amount of sex that they get dwindles after marriage and especially after children. In addition, the amount of time that a woman has to devote to the nurturing, acceptance, approval and attention to her husband decreases proportionately with the addition of children, job responsibilities and a bigger house.

So this leads us to the plight of the married man.

Who is the married man? First of all he is a man. Men are results oriented. Men have a lot of testosterone. They aren't good at deciphering what women want, especially their own wives.The married man used to run his own life. He came and went as he pleased; he watched or played baseball whenever he wanted. He lived his own lifestyle. He could have his woman withhim whenever hewanted and she would pay all of her attention to him. Now he is marriedwith a couple of kids, a mortgage, a job he has because it pays themost, not because he loves it so much and a wife who used to cater to him exclusively who now has to divide her time between him, the kids, the house and usually her job. There was a commercial on TV not too long ago that shows a man thinking about his studly single days and how sexy he was in those days, with a child in a stroller. He is playing with his child and shopping in the grocery store and a woman is talking to her friend who comments he doesn't even know how much more attractive he is now than he was when he was a stud.

Men are pretty unconscious about what makes them attractive.

According to most women it is not their looks that make them
attractive, it is who they are and how they produce in the world. So this married man goes to work and comes home and goes back to work the next day. At work there is this woman. She is single, attractive, smart, capable, speaks his language andsomeone who has time to pay attention to him. It starts as an innocent flirtation. What goes through his mind is something like "Let's see if I still have it!" so he starts flirting just to see what happens. Not a surprise, she responds to the flirting by flirting back.

This is the beginning of the affair.

In his mind he is flattered, it is fun, and exciting and just a
little bit naughty. What could be more harmless? I'm married.I'm
safe. I can just have a little fun with this. So it continues.He
thinks he can just experiment a little. Let's see how charming and creative I can be. Let's see if I can get this woman to fall for me. In his mind it is not cheating. He hasn't done anything wrong. In the beginning, he even tells his wife about this woman. He tells her about how smart she is or about some accomplishment, usuallywhat made him notice her in the firstplace. Wives usually miss the first clues. The thought of the effect of his harmless flirtation onthe single woman does not even enter his consciousness. So the harmless flirtation continues. It makes the married man feel good. He is happier at home and everything seems hunky dory. He tells the woman his wife doesn't understand him, she doesn't have time for him, or she just is cruel to him and the other woman becomes his confidant and starts to believe that he really has no choice in the matter. He needs her because his wife is so ... whatever.

He now has both a wife and family and a woman on the side.

Recognize that this process may take several years and several
different women before anything actually happens in the way of an
affair. After several years of living a separate life from his wife while they live under the same roof, a married man is ready for a real affair. The reality is that an affair will occur whether it is an emotional or physical affair or even a cyber affair. No matter which way it goes, what occurs takes away from the married relationship.

What is true about the woman who gets involved with a married man is that she is looking for attention and affection.

Most likely she is not looking for a married man with whom she is plotting to have an affair. There are a few predatory women out there who do just that but the majority of affairs start out
naively. She is likely to have been previously hurt in a
relationship. She may or may not know that the man is married. What occurs first is she recognizes that he is paying attention to her. He may just listen to her. It may just be a momentary encounter where their eyes meet and a connection is made. They may be working together on a project and either of them may distinguishthemselves in some way. What initially happens is likely to be chemistry. What happens after that varies, however, it usually follows this pattern.

When the woman discovers that he is married, she will make it clear that she doesn't have relationships with married men.

That is the signal for the man to go into conquest mode.

He will pursue her possibly for years because he enjoys the chase. She will continue to refuse his advances as long as she cantolerate it or until he catches her at a weak and vulnerable moment. If she has a good relationship in her life, chances areshe can outlast him, but if she is single, available or married and unhappy, she will eventually succumb. Why? Because the man is so charming, heis wonderful, he is a knight in shining armor, he is a hero, he is this wonderful dedicated family man who is wonderful with his children and attentive to his wife. So the woman asks herself what is she doing?

She continues to say no and the more she says no, the more
aggressive and charming and attentive he gets. This is the ultimate male challenge, to win over a woman who is saying no even though he knows she really is attracted to him.

A married man will work harder than any available man to make a
woman fall in love with him.

He will be more charming, loving, attentive and wonderful than a
woman can imagine that any man can be. So what happens next is this woman who finally surrenders to her feelings for this man, asks him to leave his wife for her. The response from him will almost inevitably be one of two, but I'm married and I'll neverleave my wife or yes, I'll leave my wife, but not yet (she's not ready,my children are too young, I can't afford it yet, my mother won't approve etc.) Initially the woman will respond with anger. "If you love your wife what are you doing with me?" Here is the clincher that finally hooks the woman, he is committed to his wife and the woman buys into his honorable dedication to his wife and thinks if only I could have a man who loves me like that.

It is at this point in their relationship that the woman's final act of settling may occur.

Either she will end it and go off to nurse her broken heart,
wondering how he could have been so wonderful and such a heel atthe same time, or she will continue the affair and settle forbeing the other woman in his life. Either way the woman is damaged. The man will go back to his wife who was either completely unaware of the romantic drama or who also chooses to settle by living in denial of his infidelity. Then life goes on.

The other woman plays a significant part in the perpetuation of this man's marriage.

She makes it tolerable for him to remain in an intolerable
situation. She makes it possible for him to remain in a marriage
that doesn't satisfy him. That marriage situation can range from
boredom to outright contempt, but a man won't leave his marriage
until his wife has dismissed him, either consciously or
unconsciously. She makes it possible for him to deny that there is anything missing in his relationship with his wife. Therefore, the wife wins, if you can call it winning to stay ina relationship with a cheating man.

The purpose in discussing this at all is to emphasize the fact that women settle and men will cheat because they can. So, women, if you want your man to be faithful, you must pay attention and never settle for less than what you want no matter what the cost.

The essence of marriage is commitment. Why get married if you are not willing to commit to loving someone exclusively? The way that I see it, you don't have to get married to be together, so why do it if you don't mean it? I was married for 23 years and was strongly in favor of the concept of a renewable marriage license, similar tohow one renews a driver's license. The point of that beingthat at least very 3 or 4 years people who were married to each otherwould have to take a look at whether they still wanted to be with their spouse. If people were honest about their feelings, it certainly would take a chunk out of the 50% divorce rate.

On a more serious note, however, I really don't see any point in
getting married unless you are marrying someone with whom youhave sexual chemistry that you love totally, that you trust implicitly, and that you would rather be with than anyone else who alsofeels the same about you. That feeling of total trust isvery rare and itneeds to be nurtured. It's also good if you have similar values and goals in life. If and when you find someone that meets all ofthe above standards, you probably couldn't imagine wanting to bewith anyone else. That spiritual bond can be so strong andso valid that it would be out of the realm of possibility to violate it.

It is impossible to ever have that kind of trust if you enter a
relationship that originated with someone cheating.

So what happens to destroy that original bond? It is the woman'sjob to provide the appetite for pleasure and the direction for therelationship. This does not relieve men of any responsibility for it is their job to surrender to their woman's power and to produce results for her based on what she requests. So, in a relationship that is working the woman must continue to raise the bar for her man and believe in him. What does that mean? That she wants a bigger house, more expensive car, more children? Not necessarily although thosethings may be part of the picture. What it does mean is that she raises the standards of paying attention even when life is busy. It means that they make time for sex even when they don't have time. It meansthat each one of them stay vulnerable with each other even whenhe/she has done something that embarrasses them or is wrong.

In my marriage, I did it all wrong. I doubted his production,
thought I could do things better than him and lost my ability to
believe in him. When that happened, he quit producing for me and we spiraled downward into total mistrust of each other and
unwillingness to be vulnerable. I kept settling for less than what I asked for and he kept producing only what I believed he could produce. I just didn't know any better.

It's a fragile bond that must be protected and as far as I can see what will protect the bond of love is a woman expressing her
appetite that requests more than the man thinks he can produce and then even more vital is that she approves of him and believes in him until he produces it. The most significant element of maintaining a love relationship that works is that both parties must pay attention to each other and to what is happening in the relationship. Going to doubt or settling for less than what she wants is the beginning of the destruction of the delicate balance of the man/woman relationship. In this model of relationship, men and women are regarded as different entities with different needs. It relies on using the sex act as the metaphor for relationship, symbolizing men as producers and women as receivers.

There are no victims.

The Seduction of a Married Man

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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Signs of Attraction - Here Are 3 Things to Look For

Are you able to pick up on the signs of attraction? If not, you could be missing out on some great opportunities in the dating world. Ironically, while you're out there looking for opportunity, it could be knocking at your door this very minute.

Let's face it: Dating can be tough. In fact, finding someone even remotely compatible often seems like more of a crap-shoot than anything. As a single person, this constant stream of failed encounters and disappointments can wear pretty thin.


The thing to remember is that signs of attraction are not always obvious - and often they are so vague that they can easily be overlooked. Yes, things would be simpler if you had the knack for picking up on these subtle hints, but few of us have that ability. To make matters worse, not everyone is going to be "obvious" with their feelings toward you.

Signs of Attraction - Here Are 3 Things to Look For

One of the biggest reasons we tend to overlook, or dismiss, these signals is the fear of misinterpreting the signs and having to suffer the awful embarrassment afterwards. After all, what if that person had no romantic feelings toward you and you started flirting with them?

On the other hand, you could have a secret admirer that is so shy the signals they are giving could be interpreted either way. No one said being single was easy!

Three of the biggest signs of attraction are:

1. Eye contact. Do they look you directly in the eye? Does their stare linger for a second? Do they look intently from one eye to the other while you are talking? This could indicate that they take great interest in what you are saying and they want you to know it.

2. Smile. A genuine smile is hard to fake. If you're able to make them smile whenever you're around, chances are, they are attracted to you. The ability to make someone smile speaks volumes.

3. In a conversation, they stand a little closer to you than normal. Though we are all protective of our personal space, they seem more than willing to share theirs, and expect that you wouldn't mind sharing yours. This intimate sign of attraction is huge and is probably one of the most noticeable.

Signs of Attraction - Here Are 3 Things to Look For

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Monday, June 18, 2012

Top 9 Signs of Male Attraction

How can you tell if a male is attracted to you? You may have mixed feelings. You aren't sure if he really likes you or if he's just playing games. Well, I'm about to share with you some signs in male attraction that will help you indicate whether of not the guy really likes you.

So, here are the top 9 signs of male attraction:


1. A good indicator that a guy is attracted to you is the way he looks at you. If he's always staring at you while watching a movie or playing a game, he's infatuated by your beauty. Or if you notice he has "the certain look" in his eyes, he's definitely attracted to you.

Top 9 Signs of Male Attraction

2. Another sign of male attraction is if he always calls you. This means he likes talking to you, which means he's definitely interested in you. If he opens up and talk to you about "personal" things or things that are important to him, that's a sign that he see you as more than friends.

3. If a guy introduce you to his family and his friends, he's attracted to you. He's introducing you for a couple reasons. To get some feedback or approval from people he love and trust, which are his friends and family. And the other reason is to include you more into his life.

4. The next sign of male attraction may seem a bit goofy. If a guy always "teases" you or "picks" on you, he's interested in you. If you closely look at how he's acting, he's actually flirting with you.

5. If a guy always make small talk with you and give you compliments, he's attracted to you.

6. Another sign of male attraction is if a guy is always wanting to hang out with you. He may not ask you on a date, but if he's always asking if you want to hang out, get something to eat, watch a movie, play a game, or whatever, he's interested in you and likes your attention.

7. If a guy always as if you're okay or seem to be protective over you, making sure that you're happy, he's interested in you.

8. Another sign of a guy being attracted to you is if he's really nice to you. If you notice that he's more nice to you than anyone else, he's interested in you. Some guys may not know how to express their feelings, so they'll either buy you gifts, give you money, or be very nice to you. They do this hoping that one day you'll notice that they want to be in a relationship with you.

9. The next sign of a man being attracted to you is if he's always giving you compliments. He may tell you that you look nice today or that your hair looks nice. If he's giving you compliments, he's probably interested in you and wants to be in a relationship with you.

These are the top 9 signs of male attraction. If a guy is doing any of the following stated above, there's a good chance he wants to be in a relationship with you.

Top 9 Signs of Male Attraction

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Sunday, June 17, 2012

Sweet Things to Say to Your Boyfriend - 2 Hot Tips to Melt Your Boyfriend's Heart

So you want to know what sweet things to say to your boyfriend? After all, girls are not the only ones who can benefit from a little bit of sweet talk.

To be quite honest, guys can sometimes use a whole bucket load of sweet stuff. But don't expect them to ask for it. Your boyfriend, for one, would probably not admit that he wants you to say such things to him. So it's up to you to figure out what sweet things to say to your boyfriend.


Your boyfriend does not necessarily want to be told that he's the most beautiful boy you have ever laid your eyes on (although that works for some). Guys and girls are not made of the same ingredients.

Sweet Things to Say to Your Boyfriend - 2 Hot Tips to Melt Your Boyfriend's Heart

Luckily, you have this article to help you figure out what sweet things to say to your boyfriend.

1) Call out his name... and then tell him "I love you."

You do not need an excuse to tell your boyfriend that you love him. A lot of people might think that the phrase is overused but I beg to differ.

Telling the person you love that you love him should be the most natural thing in the world. What I advise is that you spring it on him when he least expects it (but not if you two haven't said these three words to each other yet!).

Casually call out his name as if you want him to run a few errands for you. Once you have his attention, smile and tell him that you love him. This will be sure to leave a smile on his lips for the rest of the day.

2) You are the most wonderful guy I have ever met.

The word "wonderful" transcends the physical. However, other adjectives like "amazing" and "sexiest" will also do as long as you use them in superlative form. These sweet things to say to your boyfriend will assure him that you only have eyes for him.

Guys like knowing that they are special in someone's eyes. These sweet things to say to your boyfriend will make him feel even more special because you're the one saying them.

Sweet Things to Say to Your Boyfriend - 2 Hot Tips to Melt Your Boyfriend's Heart

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Friday, June 15, 2012

Chinese Tattoos - Meaning of Chinese Dragon Tattoos

Chinese Tattoos have always been hugely popular. At one stage they were the realm of criminals and the mafia. Now it seems even Hollywood celebrities seem to have caught on to the mystery and allure of the Far East. While it is undeniable that classic Chinese tattoos have an attraction which can easily be appreciated regardless of whether one can understand the often subtle meanings or not.

Aesthetics should be the primary consideration when getting tattooed, and Chinese characters are very well suited to this purpose. While tattoos have always been conversation pieces, Chinese tattoos add another element, since the typical viewer will probably ask you the meaning, which allows the wearer to not only translate the characters, but to explain the story behind the decision to make such a lasting statement.


Meaning is an important question however and for this reason can make Chinese tattoos date very quickly. Often it is not quite what the wearer was told by the tattooist at the tattoo shop or the meaning can become irrelevant after a few years.

Chinese Tattoos - Meaning of Chinese Dragon Tattoos

Hopefully the person being tattooed has done his or her research and consulted with a native Chinese speaker about the meaning before being inked. Some non Chinese speakers have unwittingly tattooed their bodies with Chinese symbols which when translated become meaningless.

The most common Chinese tattoos are ones that are supposed to represent ideas and qualities like love or strength. Keep in mind that the concepts are aimed at English speakers, and on that level "peace, love and happiness" are easily understandable.

But before you run off to the studio to get one done you should do your research. Selecting a Chinese tattoos deserves careful study and attention. It should have less to do with style and more to do with your character, work, and values. It's permanent, so it's a pretty important decision in your life. In the end, it is important to choose something of lasting appeal not something faddish.

Chinese Dragons

For centuries, the Chinese dragon has been a symbol of power and mystery. Depicted in countless legends, both Eastern and Western, the dragon has provoked man to fear and worship it. In medieval Europe, it was a bloodthirsty, fire-breathing figure. Its malevolence and ferociousness struck terror in all. However, in Asia, it is the contrary. The mighty dragon is a mythical beast long celebrated for its benevolence, intelligence and good will. The Chinese dragon has been a common symbol of identity for Far Eastern cultures.

In fact, Chinese people all over the world are affectionately known as "lung de chuan ren", or the "descendants of the dragon". There are several distinct species of Chinese dragons. The Horned Dragon is considered to be the mightiest. The Celestial Dragon supports the heavens and protects the Gods. The Earth Dragon rules all of the earth. The Spiritual Dragon controls the wind and rain. The Treasure Dragon is the keeper of precious metals and gems. The Winged Dragon is the only dragon with wings. The Coiling Dragon dwells in the ocean. The Yellow Dragon is a hornless dragon known for its scholarly knowledge.

Chinese Tattoos - Meaning of Chinese Dragon Tattoos

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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Attracting the Pisces Male - How Can Women Attract Pisces Men?

Attracting a Pisces male is not hard --- in fact they're quite pretty easy to love. Pisces male appear tough and strong on the outside, but on the inside, they can be the most adorable, cute and lovable boys you'd surely want to cuddle and snuggle. They love the arts and they themselves are artists in the very sense of the word --- they are also up to date and are extremely knowledgeable in a lot of things especially with their passions and interests. They're street smart, flexible and dedicated old fellow and they yearn for a partner who a little bit the same. So without further agony, here are some top tips when it comes to attracting a Pisces male --- impress and seduce him now!

Show them your romantic side. Poetry? Love stories? Cheesy flicks? Nothing appreciates them more than a Pisces male. Sure, he may be a softie but a Pisces men can be sensual and great lovers as well. They appreciate life's beauty and knows how to live life to the fullest --- although they need constant inspiration and motivation as well. Show them your thoughtfulness. Send him a text message, drop him a visit or give him a surprise telephone call. Attracting the Pisces male means you have to be full of surprise and expect that he will show you his utmost appreciation --- you will never regret showering him your undivided attention. Let them know you care. A Pisces male can get really caring and protective of their partner so he will expect the same for you. He fulfills his promises, never misses a birthday and will always make it a point to treat you out. Let him know you care by offering a massage (which he will reject, but insist anyway), holding his hand and initiating intimacy. He will get totally smitten in no time. Make them try new things. If you're the adventurous, experimental type, impress a Pisces male by introducing him to things he has not tried before. So if hasn't tried sushi or never heard of bungee jumping before, pack up your gear and explore the wild! Pisceans are very enthusiastic and can get pretty adventurous if you let them. Stay grounded together. The famous quote "Together we stand, together we fall," works best for a Pisces male. He wants someone who can be with him when his down and also someone to share his achievements and victories. He can be quite generous and will shower you with gifts and he loves women who know how to show appreciation and admiration. Get corny and mushy with one Pisces male now!


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Attracting the Pisces Male - How Can Women Attract Pisces Men?
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Monday, June 11, 2012

3 Male Attraction Signals That Show He's Attracted To You

Do you find it difficult to tell if a guy is into you or not? This is because male attraction signals are often indirect and confusing. This uncertainty will only make it more difficult to recognize these signs.

The following are some male attraction signals that will help you know whether you are in the right track, and when you should make the first move.


Signal # 1: Body Language

3 Male Attraction Signals That Show He's Attracted To You

A man who is interested in you will try to attract your attention - sometimes subtly, sometimes loudly. He may become fidgety, trying to fix and smooth his clothes or his hair. You will notice his body facing towards your direction, or his eyes trying to find yours.

If he is in a group, he will express his individuality by standing apart from them. He will also try to make an impact by dressing and looking impressively. You will see him always preening himself, checking his reflection, stroking his tie, straightening his clothes, or touching his face.

You may also find that his eyebrows are raised a little when you're speaking with him, conveying his excitement in your presence.

Signal # 2: Touching

A guy touching you and making excuses to touch you are positive male attraction signals. A man who can't verbally express his attraction will most likely do so in other ways, especially by touching the person he is attracted to.

If he is "accidentally" bumping you, brushing his arm against yours, or touching the small of your back when he is trying to guide you, you can bet he is interested in you.

Signal # 3: Conversation

A guy likes you when he goes out of his way to talk to you and works to keep the conversation flowing. He will listen closely to what you say, ask questions, and keep eye contact.

While some men hide their attraction by flirtatious teasing, joking and throwing mock insults at girls, some openly and generously give girls compliments. The revealing signal here is that a guy who likes you enjoys talking to you and being around you.

A guy who is uninterested will not look at you in the eye, change the topic of your conversation, or else would cut it completely and move away.

A man expresses his attraction not only through his words, but most especially through his actions. The important thing to remember when figuring out male attraction signals is that a girl should always be attentive and sensitive.

3 Male Attraction Signals That Show He's Attracted To You

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Sunday, June 10, 2012

How to Tell if a Guy Likes You: Does He Like You? Why are Guys So Hard to Read?

First off, regardless of what your heart tells you or how your mind forces you to think, DO NOT obsess with a guy you can never have. There are so many more fish in the sea, so many more guys you can love who actually deserve your love. Do not ever hurt yourself for some guy who will never learn to appreciate you. The signs are the following:

If you are his candidate for a Booty Call and then he doesn't know you during the day.


If he uses you.

How to Tell if a Guy Likes You: Does He Like You? Why are Guys So Hard to Read?

If he abuses you.

If he hurts you. For instance, he calls you Fat. He doesn't tease you playfully, he downright treats you like garbage.

If he talks behind your back about you. If he starts rumours about you...

Understand this, guys can really be evil sometimes. Move on if you answered yes to any of the above.

Now that we've got that out of the way, here comes the juicy part. How can you tell if a guy likes you? You like him. You feel it in the gut he likes you back. But you need some substantial proof. I will not go into the types of guys out there, because in the end, there will always be a group of guys who have no niche to fall into. These tips are not foolproof, since human nature is always fickle. So, I suggest you read this and use it as a reference and not your bible.

Strategy ONE

Ask him. He says he likes you. Case closed. You are done. But, fearing rejection, can you even do that? If only things were so simple. I'll tell you this. Just ask him. This will save you a lot of time. If he says no, then you can understand that he doesn't and may not even after knowing you for a bit of time. Therefore, it will be him who regrets later on when he falls for you in return, granted you guys will hang out and stuff... Maybe not, since if he does reject you, it will be too embarrassing... So what you can do is this....

"Do you like me?"


"I knew it! I don't like you either." Haha!

"Do you like me?"

"Yes, as a friend."

"Me too. I was worried because I thought you didn't like me as a friend..." Saved!

If he says he likes you in a way that he likes you likes you and not as friend, then you've just scored yourself your dream guy.

Signs that he likes you
He blushes and sweats. You intimidate him.

He stares at you. (He can be a stalker, beware)

He does things to deliberately gain your attention.

He stutters when he speaks to you.

His pupils dilate when you are up close and you see them... Beware, pupils dilate when it is dim, mostly.

He waits for you. He looks out for you.

He laughs at your jokes when no one else does.

He teases you because he wants you to remember and notice him.

He listens to you and actually remembers little details.

He notices slight changes in your appearance.

He seems sad when you ignore him.

He seems jealous when you are with another guy. Whoo.

His friends all know you when you don't know them.

He smiles back when you smile at him.

He often stares at you and when you catch him, he does that cute head turn, very fast!

He performs sweet acts for you. He defends and protects you. He tolerates you being mean to him.

Signs that he is a player

He is a smooth talker. He is very comfortable around you.

He places his hands on you with ease.

Every other girl likes him.

Just be careful.

There are many more signs, but anyway, just go with your heart, take care of yourself, and let things happen naturally. If it's meant to be, it's meant to be.

How to Tell if a Guy Likes You: Does He Like You? Why are Guys So Hard to Read?

Information about the author and more of her articles can be found at

My Cup of Tea A teen-romance that gives you clues on boys.

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Friday, June 8, 2012

5 Major Tourist Attractions of India

India is an extraordinary land with mind-bending diversity which draws tourists from across the globe. Explore the various attractions of this unique tourist destination and you are bound to get mesmerized to the hilt. If you have not seen India, then you are missing a lot as a traveler.

India Wildlife Tour


Witness the enchanting drama of nature and experience the wilderness of dense forests which are home to the enchanting wildlife in India, including the endangered ones. India boasts of some of the finest wildlife destinations in the world.

5 Major Tourist Attractions of India

India Desert Tour

Rajasthan is the most colorful desert in the world where you can enjoy camel safari amidst unfathomable sand dunes. The safari will surely offer you 'out-of-the-ordinary' experience.

India Hill Station Tour

Enveloped in mind-blowing natural beauty, the hill stations of India take pride in offering snow-covered mountain peaks, gorgeous valleys, stunning lakes, salubrious climate, lovely streams and refreshing tea gardens. They also offer a variety of adventure sports facilities.

India Beach and Backwaters tour

Enjoy nature's splendor on the fascinating beaches and backwaters of India. Offering natural beauty, adventure, fun and entertainment in plenty, the beaches and backwaters promise an overwhelming tour to tourists. Some of the finest beaches of the world are located here.

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No country in the world can match India when it comes to culture and heritage. Every state of this country has a unique and different culture offering an opportunity to tourists to get acquainted with diverse India. The richness of the heritage of India can be seen in the heritage monuments which are scattered across the country. Many of the heritage monuments of India are World Heritage Sites.

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Monday, June 4, 2012

3 Types of Attraction

Physical Attraction

Physical Attraction (aka Sexual Attraction) is determined by the wavelength/gender of our Energy. The wavelength of our energy is divided by gender and continually seeks to become re-united and whole. We are sub-consciously seeking our sexual partner who makes us feel united and whole. Our ideal 'soul' mate has an energy that is equal and opposite to our own. An equal wavelength but an opposite gender.


The female gender of our energy is: Connected; Sensitive; & Emotional. The male gender of our energy is: Exclusive; Detached; & Rational. Exclusive energy attracts Connected energy to become Exclusively-Connected and whole. When we are exclusively-connected, we access our power of Love. Emotional energy attracts Rational energy to become Emotionally-Rational and whole. When we are emotionally-rational, we access our authority of Light. Sensitive energy attracts Detached energy to become Sensitively-Detached and whole. When we are being sensitively-detached, we access our ability of Life.

3 Types of Attraction

Magnetic Attraction

Magnetic Attraction is determined by the frequency/polarity of our Energy. The frequency of our energy is divided by either a positive or a negative polarity. A high, positive, good, emotional energy is seen as attractive. A low, negative, evil, emotional energy is felt to be repulsive. An ideal friend and 'soul' tie is resonating at the same frequency and polarity as our self. We like our own kind of people and we are attracted to them magnetically. Exclusive & Connected energy is positive and attractive.

Inclusive & disconnected energy is negative and unattractive. Sensitive & Detached energy is positive and attractive. Insensitive & attached (needy) energy is negative and unattractive. Emotional & Rational energy is positive and attractive. Unemotional & irrational energy is negative and unattractive. When we become rationally-irrational, we become Emotional. When we become detachedly-attached, we become Sensitive. When we become exclusively-inclusive, we become Connected. When we become connectedly- disconnected, we become Exclusive. When we become sensitively-insensitive, we become Detached. When we become emotionally-unemotional, we become Rational. We become Sexually Attractive to our opposite gender by balancing the positive and negative polarity of our energy.

This they will love. We become Magnetically Attractive to our opposite gender by sharing their polarity. This they will like. N.B. The gender of our energy is not our physical sex, but the gender of our orientation. It decides our perspective of what we feel to be attractive to our self. In other words the same sex can be attracted to each other by the opposing genders of the same wavelength and frequency of their energy vibration. We are not attracted by a person's sex but the gender and polarity of their energy.

Divine Attraction

Divine Attraction is the Oneness or Wholeness of our Energy or Spirit. When we are aware of the Holy Spirit acting in our Life, we are experiencing the Power of Attraction of our own Whole Energy. Divine Attraction is determined by the vibration/intensity of our Energy, our Spirit. The intensity of our Energy is determined by its gender & polarity. The vibration of our Energy, our energy vibration, is the level at which our spiritual energy is vibrating. The more balanced and harmonious our Vibration, the more Attractive we become and the more able we are to consciously attract the Life that we choose.

When our energy is both Exclusive & Connected, we have the Power of Love to Attract. We become Omnipotent. When our energy is both Rational & Emotional, we have the Authority of Light to Attract. We become Omniscient. When our energy is both Sensitive & Detached, we have the Ability of Life to Attract. We become Omnipresent. With our True Power, Authority & Ability, our attainment of Attraction is Divine.

3 Types of Attraction

Keith Collins
May 2009

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Sunday, June 3, 2012

Body Language Attraction - His Eyes Will Tell You If He's Attracted to You

If you know how to interpret them, men's body language will tell you far more than any spoken words about how attracted they are to you, and the eyes are one of your best sources of information.

I'm sure you've heard it said before that the eyes are the windows to the soul. Eyes say so much about a man, they can show feelings, and speak a thousand words without him saying a word.


Pay close attention to his eyes to gauge the level of attraction he feels for you.

Body Language Attraction - His Eyes Will Tell You If He's Attracted to You

Here are some surefire signs of attraction to watch his eyes for.

Look into his eyes and take note of the size of his pupils. Men's pupils will dilate when they are attracted to someone, sometimes becoming as much as four times as large.

A word of warning before you take this to mean he's feeling attraction for you - our eyes will enlarge in a darker room so watch for how dilated they are while keeping into account the amount of light there is.

Is he focused on you or is he constantly looking else where, during conversation?

He will be focused on you if he's interested, however if he's shy you may notice him looking down or to the side frequently. So  if he doesn't seem to be looking at you as often as you think he should then check his pupils again, not only to see if they are dilated, but try to tell if they are focused. A glazed over look means his mind is on something else beside you.

One final note on the eyes. If  you are the type of woman that he's attracted to, he will quickly scan from you from top to bottom and back up again when he first sees you. This only takes a moment and you will need to be quick to notice it, but it's a natural reflex all men have.

Once you get good at interpreting what his eyes are telling you it will become easy for you to judge what his true feeling for you are. Like they say - The eyes don't lie.

Body Language Attraction - His Eyes Will Tell You If He's Attracted to You

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Friday, June 1, 2012

How To Use Law Of Attraction Weight Loss

How does law of attraction work in relation to weight loss?

In the simplest terms, Law of Attraction states that like attracts like and whatever thoughts and feelings you focus on the the most will literally determine your future. But how can law of attraction weight loss work?


You will find that the law of attraction has been working for you and every other person in this world since the beginning of time and it is only recently that education about its incredible power has become readily available to the general public.

How To Use Law Of Attraction Weight Loss

So how can the Law of Attraction can help someone to lose weight? It is quite simple really, all they need to do is think about it. In fact without even knowing about it, most people really do not think about what they want but they think more about the fact that they do not have it. So by going back to the definition of Law of Attraction, you will see that the reason why people do not have the things that they want, is simply because all they ever do is think about NOT having them.

Unfortunately this same concept applies to weight loss just as it applies to everything else, and although a lot of people want to lose weight, they would rather think about how miserable they are because they have not lost the weight, rather than the wonderful life they will have once they're thinner.

Again let us refer back to the Law of Attraction. If you think you are miserable, sad, guilty or have low self esteem then the Law of Attraction will bring you more things to be miserable about rather than good things. In fact the more miserable you are about something, for example, weight loss, then the more powerfully you will attract more of the same since that is where you are focusing your thoughts.

Utilizing the power of the Law of Attraction for weight loss, you simply stop thinking about your situation in the negative manner and start having positive thoughts instead. As you can imagine, this is more difficult than it sounds, just ask anyone who's tried it. To be truly successful as many others are, you need the help of proper tools that allow you to automate the law of attraction as much as possible. There is no doubt the law works, it's simply a matter of taking advantage of the available tools to make it easier.

How To Use Law Of Attraction Weight Loss

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