Monday, December 24, 2012

Signs That a Gemini Man Likes You - Secret Gemini Signs of Attraction

The signs that are Gemini man likes you tend to involve his creative and artistic side, the Gemini male also prides himself on his intelligence and is a passionate communicator. He feels most comfortable when talking about the deeper things in life rather than making small talk. He enjoys it when you ask him more about his opinions and beliefs, but if you're a little too aggressive in your questioning he might disappear back into his shell.

If the Gemini man can't stop talking when he's around you then this is a good signal that you've got his interest, he'll keep on coming with the questions and move from conversation about hobbies and interests to the meaning of life in the blink of an eye.

As I mentioned before, he's also creative and so when he creates something for you he's certainly showing his interest. Expect frequent romantic poems or songs with your name in them. Because he's such a passionate communicator you'll find that when he's attracted to you he'll contact you often and might even come up with excuses for calling you that seem a little suspicious.

Signs That a Gemini Man Likes You - Secret Gemini Signs of Attraction

When he looks deep into your eyes you can be certain that he's come to the conclusion that you're the girl for him. The intense gaze of the Gemini can make you feel an intense emotional connection with him, a connection that he also wants and needs.

Once he feels that you are more than a match for him in intelligence he'll start to declare his love to anyone that will listen. Being such a great communicator means that word will spread very quickly indeed.

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Friday, December 21, 2012

The Top 5 Law of Attraction Tips

Using the Law of Attraction in your life does not need to be hard, and it doesn't have to cost a lot. The truth is that there are a large number of things that you can begin to do yourself that will have a positive impact on your life. Here are five of the top Law of Attraction tactics that will enable you to get the best out of your life.

Tip #1 - Positive Attitude - One of the simplest methods that you can improve the quality of your using the Law of Attraction is to always maintain a positive outlook. When you have a positive attitude to life, there is a good chance that it will attract other positive people, effects, and transformations in your life. Even if events in your life do not seem particularly goo, maintaining a positive outlook can be lead to the transformation that you want. In reality, your positive outlook is getting you ready for the time that things improve. Always seeing the best in something, such as a less than perfect job, can enable you to be better placed in life, which leads the way for positive events to occur.

Tip #2 - Visualization - Another essential technique is to make a mental picture. It is vital that you actually picture where you want to be in your life. Picture yourself in a higher job, driving a more expensive car, being healthier financially, and you will then have the ability to draw what you need to enable those pictures to come to fruition. You can never really reach the position that you yearn for unless you have a definite idea of the direction you are taking, and making the effort to continuously keep in mind where you see yourself being can be helpful in discovering where you want to be, as well as helping you to reach your goal.

The Top 5 Law of Attraction Tips

Tip #3 - Affirmations - Often, the word affirmation conjures up images of how other people can confirm your wants and needs, but when it is taken in the perspective of the Law of Attraction, affirmations are really down to you. You have to begin putting down in writing what you want, and then keep saying them to yourself repeatedly. The more often you say them aloud and confirm your dreams, the likelier it is that they will come true.

Tip #4 - Always Keep Your Eye on Your Goal - Maintaining a focus on your ambitions is an essential technique too when you are considering the Law of Attraction. You do not want to be never want to be sidetracked by the situations that happen in your life, and you need to keep your eye on the tings that you want to accomplish. The more focused you are on your ambitions, the greater the likelihood that you will achieve them.

Tip #5 - Move Forward - You can put into place as many plans as you like in your life, but if you do not really get going on anything, they will all amount to nothing. As soon as you begin to have positive thoughts, picture where you would like to be, use affirmations, and keep focused on your ambitions, then you are ready to begin progressing towards your goal. It doesn't matter if you achieve large or small steps, but it is essential that you are always progressing forwards and not just staying in one place.

Every one of these strategies is important, and if you use them together they will undoubtedly have astonishing effects on your life. Begin to use these Law of Attraction techniques and good things will certainly happen.

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Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Sexual Attraction Through Eye Contact - Read the Fire and Passion in Her Eyes

When she can't seem to take her eyes off of you, when she keeps on sending flirting signals and you yourself can't hold on because of sexual tension --- then by all means --- do your move before it's too late! Blame it to your raging hormones. Maybe it's just your imagination that she's hitting on you or something but do you know that there are actually techniques for you to use to be sure if she's that hot for you or not --- and it's all in the eyes. Below are the four signals of sexual attraction through eye contact --- read the fire and passion in her eyes now!

Maintaining the gaze. Maintaining eye contact is already a sure fire sign that's she's flirting with you --- there's no doubt about it --- this persistent and lingering eye contact is charged with emotion, tension --- and definitely with sexual attraction. Stare right back and alternately look at the lips --- now that's what we call intense flirting! Intense eyes. You can do lots of techniques with your eyes if you want to let someone know that you're checking them out --- one effective way is to give them the intense eyes. This is a very sharp type of sexual eye contact that can send shivers up and down your spine --- the hard stare has no inhibitions whatsoever in letting you know this person downright desires to get some action started. And he or she definitely wants it in bed. Fleeting glances. You think she's getting pretty shy? Better think again. The fleeting glances are more than just simply glimpses. This type of eye contact is teasing and naughty --- it's like asking you for a challenge if you're up for it or not. A great way to build great sexual tension and excitement. Being playful is always sexy. It keeps you guessing of what's going to happen next. But rest assured, it's all going to be good. Staring you up and down. Feeling a little bit bold and naughty? The "staring you up and down" technique will work for you! This could be the strongest type of sexual eye contact --- the person doing this is plainly checking you to imagine you as potential bed partner and they have absolutely no problems in letting know about it. There's no trace of shyness or reserve in this one --- it's extremely flirty type and couple it with a slow licking of your lips, this could make both of you running on nearest private room available.

Sexual Attraction Through Eye Contact - Read the Fire and Passion in Her Eyes
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Friday, December 14, 2012

Law of Attraction - How to Let Go of Your Desires So They Can Come Faster

One of the hardest parts of the law of attraction is the ability to let go of your desires without so they can come to you faster. That may seem a bit contradictory to you at first. However the key to the law of attraction is in the understanding that you get what you already are. What you are is based on your thinking and feeling.

Letting go is quite hard for most people. Its because by the time most people realize that they want something enough to do something about it they are in a desperate needy state of being.

2 Ways Why Letting Go is Crucial

Law of Attraction - How to Let Go of Your Desires So They Can Come Faster

How to Let Go of What You Want

Be happy with less. When you can be happy just where you are and feel abundant then your inner signal of wealth and abundance will be a clear signal and the law of attraction will respond to that.

Move into a state of intense gratitude. The emotion of gratitude is similar to the energy of openness and being in the flow. Gratitude allows the law of attraction to bring to you more of what you are grateful for.

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Sunday, December 9, 2012

The 4 Attraction Signals a Man Will Show a Woman if He Adores Her

When a man is attracted to a woman it is difficult for a woman to tell or know for sure if the man is attracted to her. However a man's body language and the attraction signals a man will display are clear signs that he adores this woman and he really wants to be with her. The attraction signals a man will show you are obvious signs that he adores you, but men are incredibly hard to read, so use the signs below to know for sure.

1. The first of the most obvious attraction signals a man gives, is when he has a tendency to stare and look at you. He does this unknowingly as he cannot help but stare at the woman he desires and it is even better when the woman catches the man staring and they hold eye contact when their eyes meet. It may not be clearly obvious to others but for the woman who is notably looking for signs this is the best of the attraction signals a man displays to show you he is interested in you.

2. Another obvious sign is when a man tends to lean towards you when you are speaking to each other. He will do this to show you he wants to be closer to you and intimate and tries to create a bit of privacy between you both to show other men that he is speaking to you.

The 4 Attraction Signals a Man Will Show a Woman if He Adores Her

3. A man will also tend to fuss about with his hair similar to the way women do when they are attracted to a man. They do this by touching their hair or moving this back as they want to show you their face and make gestures towards you. Although the man will also do this because he feels a bit nervous being in your company.

4. Finally another one of the attraction signals a man displays is when he sits next to you and slowly crosses his legs with his legs and feet gently pointing towards you. This body language clearly portrays this man is really into you and wants to be with you.

If a man is showing you these attraction signals then this means he is seriously interested in you and adores you as he is fussing with his hair, he will stare and you, lean towards you and finally point his toes towards you when he crosses his legs when sits next to you.

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Thursday, December 6, 2012

How to Text a Girl - Deadly Text Message Seduction

There a simple rules to follow if you want to know how to text message a girl.

The First Text

The first text should always relate in some way to the first time you met the girl in person. A text message is always your second impression. Try and relate the message to a funny or interesting theme from your last conversation with her. You should also introduce who you are if she might not know your number.

How to Text a Girl - Deadly Text Message Seduction

After She Responds

Hopefully she will respond to your message positively. You made it interesting and erred on the side of funny, right? Good, so now it's time to start building attraction. In order to do this, you must keep being interesting. Take your time and respond with something witty again. The best part is you can take awhile to think before you respond. You don't have to come up with something immediately. In fact, it's better not to respond right away as you want to make her think you're a busy guy.


Keep flirting with her by calling her names and teasing her via text. These types of messages are more likely to illicit a response. If you're not being challenging for her, she'll stop answering. Also, it's good to drop subtle sexual hints.

Setting Up The Date

If this is only the second interaction you've had with the girl, it's best that you don't ask her out on a typical date. Tell her that you're going to a party or out to do something interesting with some friends if she wants to tag along. Tell her you need to buy some clothes and she should come help you do some shopping. The opportunities are endless. Just don't ask her to go to an Italian dinner where she'll be stuck with you for hours at a time. Make it loose and pressure free.

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Sunday, December 2, 2012

5 Alpha Male Body Language Secrets for Superior Attraction

What do Sean Connery, Brad Pitt, Bruce Willis, and George Clooney all have in common?

Well these guys all demonstrate the signs of the prototypical Alpha Male. Without saying a word, they're able to show confidence and sexuality simply through their body language. This helps them instantly attract women.

Now I know what's probably running through your head...

5 Alpha Male Body Language Secrets for Superior Attraction

You might think that women are attracted to these guys because of their fame, looks or money. But you're wrong. I would bet if you took away all of these things, women would STILL be attracted to these actors.

Why's that?

Well it's simple- these guys know how to show alpha male traits around women. Surprisingly enough, you can learn how to do the same!

If you keep on reading, I'll reveal the secrets of how to become an alpha male with your body language. If you incorporate these 5 tips, you'll be able to transform yourself into a seductive guy who can easily attract women.

1- Get rid of 'Beta Male' traits

Before you can become an alpha male, you must ditch all the body language traits which show weakness and inferior status. For instance, you should stop doing these things:

o Putting your hands in your pockets

o Fidgeting with your hands or fingers

o Slumping your shoulders down

o Folding your arms

o Looking uncomfortable

o Being afraid to take up space

If you can detect these mistakes and work hard to correct them, you'll instantly start to show more alpha male traits.

2- Be confident

There is ONE thing about being an alpha male you should always remember...

Women love confidence!

If you display confidence with your body language, you'll easily impress women. In order to show this alpha male behavior, you need to be calm and poised at all times.

Now if you have a problem with your confidence, I recommend you make an effort to fix it. So look within and find out what's causing these unconfident feelings. Then work hard at fixing them.

3- Don't worry be happy

A lot of "Beta Male" characteristics stem from nervousness and tension. If you want to act like an alpha male, you must learn to never worry about the outcome with a female.

Just remember that the dating game is not a life and death situation. So relax and enjoy your interactions with women.

Please understand that the body displays what the mind is thinking. By worrying and being nervous, you'll display inferior body language. Once you remove your anxiety you'll display a more alpha male personality.

4- Be relaxed

The alpha male ALWAYS shows a relaxed pose in every situation. So if you want to display alpha male behavior, you need to learn how to chill around women. Here are a few ways to do this:

o Your eyes concentrated on the person in the conversation

o You never let your eyes dart around the room

o You know how to lean back and look comfortable

o You breath through your stomach instead of your chest

By showing a relaxed pose, you'll easily make women more comfortable around you.

5- You move deliberately

The beta male is always jumpy and ready to please people.

Honestly, one of the core traits of a beta male is somebody who is instantly ready to do favors for people. If somebody needs help, the beta male will instantly come running.

Instead of showing this personality, you need to move slowly and at your own pace. By taking deliberate actions with every step, you'll force people to pay attention to your schedule not theirs.

If you want to attract more women, you must learn how to become an alpha male. By learning how to demonstrate this quality, you'll create a "movie star" quality about yourself. Then women will be pulled towards your magnetic personality.

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Friday, November 30, 2012

Text Messaging Tips For Men - How to Build Intense Attraction by Text Messaging a Woman

Text messaging is so popular right now. Everyone is using it. Its a fast, effective way to communicate while we live our busy lives. It is also a great way to communicate and flirt with the opposite sex. Many a date is now being made through text messaging. It is rapidly replacing the phone call because it is so easy. The great thing about texting is that you have time to think about what you are going to say before you say it. You have the opportunity to plan your text messages as well as your replies.

Tip 1. You met a great lady, woman, girl, whatever and you want her to be into you. You do not want her to be just your friend. This being established, you have to refrain from texting boring, small talk. Don't ask her how is her day, or any non interesting questions like that. You want to make her smile. You want to create attraction and some suspense. Don't have any serious conversations or ask personal questions like "What do you want in a relationship?" The rare and exceptionally confident woman will take this as neediness and will not give you the time of day. Remember, you are not trying to build a friendship here, you are trying to draw her to you, not make her run for the hills. When you text message a woman, make it count.

Tip 2. Be fun and light. Appeal to her emotions, women are the emotional ones of the 2 species. Take her on to an emotional ride. Example: Lets say you want to ask her what she is doing. Instead of saying "What are you doing?' Try something like "Hey Scarlett, What r u up to?". Scarlett I am sure you all know is a very saucy vixen from the famous movie Gone With The Wind. Use some other character that appeals to her if you choose. When she does reply, don't' text back right away, keep her waiting for about 10 minutes. This builds the suspense and then when she does get your reply, she feels relief and happy. She will naturally associate this feeling with you. Text messaging your woman can be rewarding.

Text Messaging Tips For Men - How to Build Intense Attraction by Text Messaging a Woman

When text messaging a woman, you can build her level of interest through the dance of words by flirting. You have to remember to keep it fun and upbeat. Nothing serious. Whatever you do, refrain from coming across as needy or possessive. Don't be to eager and before you hit the send button ask yourself this question. Is this going to make her smile? If you can answer that with a yes, press the send button and enjoy the fun. You very well could have just made her day.

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Are you finding that women usually just want to be friends? Maybe there is a great lady and you want her attention but are not sure exactly how to go about it. How long are you going to wait? There is some other guy out there that already knows these surefire ways to ignite a spark in a woman. Don't let him get to her first. A helpful site to learn more about how to become the king of flirting through text messaging with women.

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Monday, November 26, 2012

Attract Your Ex Back With the Law of Attraction - A Violation of Free Will?

Why Many Say Its Impossible:

Is it possible to use the law of attraction to attract your ex back without unknowingly misapplying it to work against you? How does one use the law of attraction to attract their ex back without violating the notion of free will? Many state it's not possible to do so without turning the law of attraction against you to bring about more "don't-wants". After all, the law of attraction tells us it's the thoughts we focus upon with emotion that we create our lives with. This notion of free will is an essential implication of the law of attraction since we are able to freely choose the thoughts we hold to attract that which best coincides with it.

In the heat of emotion, with the drama and turmoil in your relationship, it's hard to see beyond the problem to an effective solution to attracting your ex back. Where does one begin? It's easy to become frustrated as impatience builds. You can't help but ask yourself: "Why isn't the law of attraction working in my life as I've envisioned it? Why haven't I attracted my ex back yet? What am I not getting?"

Attract Your Ex Back With the Law of Attraction - A Violation of Free Will?

Before you read further, let me reassure you - contrary to the many naysayers out there - it is possible to attract your ex back with the law of attraction. The key is knowing how to properly apply it...

Attract Your Ex Back with the Law of Attraction - A Fatal Misunderstanding:

Among those who are trying to attract their ex back, I see many common misunderstandings of the law of attraction as they pertain to relationships. Since your ex's departure I'm sure it's hard to see beyond the pain of their absence. This is the overwhelming issue at hand right now. The immediate remedy you seek is to figure out what can be done to attract your ex back. Before we go further, allow me to inform you it's these emotions that are blinding you from understanding the true problem to begin realizing an effective solution.

So having said this, what is standing in the way of your attempts to attract your ex back with the law of attraction? It's your misunderstanding of the problems and an inability to see the solution.

Attract Ex Back with the Law of Attraction - Respect Your Partners Right To Free Will and Discover The Answers Which Lie Within:

As you well know, the law of attraction states it's the thought vibrations you send out into the world that are responsible for what you have in your life. To effectively attract your ex back with the law of attraction, you must begin changing your thought vibrations. Failing to accept yourself as the ultimate causal explanation for what you've attracted into your relationship completely flies in the face of the law of attraction.

You see, ultimately the only real problem isn't what is going on in your relationship, but your perceptions and feelings about them. After all, this is what you've utilized to attract your ex's departure right? The solution then, to begin attracting your ex back, is to changing those perceptions.

Just what sort of perceptions might you need to change? Well, for example, this might mean asking yourself if you've been using your relationship as a source of happiness and love since love and happiness flow from within not from without right? As the law of attraction reminds us: affect is within and cause is without. Are you going to continue burdening your partner with the job of making you feel happy and loved and hold them out of your life? Or, are you willing to discover yourself as complete and whole by yourself and attract them back to you? Is your partner's departure the problem or is it your unrealistic evaluation of them as a source of love and happiness?

Attract Ex Back with the Law of Attraction - You Are Your Life's Creator!

Effectively using the law of attraction to attract your ex back means focusing on yourself not them. This means letting go of your desire to avoid responsibility and seek to discover yourself as the ultimate causal explanation for your life. With an acceptance of responsibility, your role in the relationship is clear. The solutions you seek to utilize to attract your ex back are then not far behind. Let me reassure you, the work is worth it. Just beyond the emotions overwhelming you and the limiting beliefs standing in your way are the solutions you seek. They are available for those who are willing to grow tall enough to claim them. Therefore, your choices are this: Continue doing what isn't working, accept what is, or make a commitment to change things.

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Thursday, November 22, 2012

Get Back Together With Your Ex - 3 Steps to Rebuilding the Attraction

Losing someone you're in love with is a very painful experience. You feel like you've just lost something you'll never get back. Maybe your ex has told you there's no chance of a relationship with them again? Unless you've done something unforgivable, this is never the case.

If they were attracted to you before, they can be attracted to you again.

Following these 3 steps is a good start if you want to get back together with your ex.

Get Back Together With Your Ex - 3 Steps to Rebuilding the Attraction

1. Leave Them Alone - How can you win back your ex without even speaking to them, you ask? Be patient. Don't rush things right after the break up. Your emotions mixed with their emotions at this point will likely cause a very messy explosion.

Right now, they'll still think their reason for breaking up with you is valid. If you keep pestering them, begging them to change their mind, and telling them how you "can't live without them", you're just going to make things worse.

You need to show them that you're strong. Crying about it is okay, but they don't need to know. They won't take you back out of sympathy. If they know they can get you back at any time, what's the rush? They can date other people and know you're there for a back up.

Later on, you can contact them again; we'll cover that soon. But for now, no e-mails, no writing, no phone calls, no checking their MySpace profile. Every time you give in to one of these temptations, you're going to reduce your chances, rip open your wounds again and find yourself back at square one.

You need to prove to yourself, and them, that you're a strong character. Give them time to miss you and wonder what you're up to. This leads us to...

2. Enrich Your Life - While you wait, fill up your free time with anything and everything. Join a club. Start a new hobby that you've always wanted to do. Learn a musical instrument. By doing this you're going to meet new people and better yourself.

Wipe the word "no" out of your vocabulary for a while. Friends ask you to a party? Say yes. Attractive member of the opposite sex asks you on a date? Say yes. Remember, you're not betraying or cheating on your ex by doing this. They wanted the break-up, right? If they're not happy with you meeting new mates, then they'll have to win you back.

If they know you might not be staying around to wait for them, they may suddenly realize they don't want to lose you. You're not being manipulative unless you have no interest whatsoever in these dates. This is win/win for you. Not only could you potentially meet a new lover (who could turn out to be the man/woman of your dreams) but you'll also make your ex reconsider losing you.

3. Get Back In Contact - Give it at least a week or two after the break-up before any contact. Decide how long you're going to give it, and don't change it.

If your ex tries to get in contact with you before that time is up, use your judgement to decide whether or not you should answer. Don't break plans or go out of your way to see them, but don't make a big deal out of it either. Just say "I'm busy that night, but how about (new day later in the week)?"

If they don't get in contact, write them an e-mail, or a text message, something casual asking them how they're doing. Don't bring up the break-up, dates, etc. Talk to them like they're friends. If everything goes well after a few exchanges, ask them if they'd like to hang out.

If they say yes, don't instantly fold when you see them. Still treat them like friends. Focus on having fun. Make them laugh and smile. Show them something you've learned since breaking up. (If you started taking guitar lessons in step 2 for example, show them your really awesome cover of "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star")

The most important thing is to show them how much fun they can have with you. Nothing will kill the attraction more than diving into the deep stuff. If you can get them laughing, half the battle is already won.

If you treat them like it's a first date, they will feel like they did on your first date. Remember why they became attracted to you in the first place, and show them that hasn't changed about you. Show them that whatever it was that caused the break-up has changed, and you'll do well.

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